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- Date: Fri, 14 Oct 94 06:52:49 PDT
- From: The Info-Mac Moderators <info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu>
- Reply-To: Info-Mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
- Subject: Info-Mac Digest V12 #136
- To: info-mac-list
- Info-Mac Digest Fri, 14 Oct 94 Volume 12 : Issue 136
- Today's Topics:
- [*] anarcho16; a text editor
- [*] apple-guide-patch; different icons andstuff
- [*] balloons-10b; a 4D external
- [*] BatteryAmnesia 1.3.1a; a PowerBook battery utility
- [*] CD Menu 1.0; controls your CD ROM drive
- [*] CDTracker0.9; a FileMaker Pro database for CDs
- [*] desktopvalet301; an alias utility
- [*] DialogRascal; just a silly diversion
- [*] Dr.Macinto updated game (2 msgs)
- [*] E-Mail->Echo1.0; a mail routing utility
- [*] EthernetMovieQTv1.2; a simulation
- [*] filter-analyzer-232; active filter response analysis tool
- [*] Gestalt Selectors List 2.6
- [*] GopherGolf v1.3.2; a game
- [*] Internet Tutorial Stacks
- [*] Jeremy's Control Strip Modules 1.2.3
- [*] Jurassic Park; sounds from the movie
- [*] Kill FinderZooms 0.99; inhibits zooming windows
- [*] MPEG Audio; a sound player
- [*] NetNames0.95 is a Newton network diagnostic app
- [*] PolyMine updated game
- [*] Precision pencil drawing of a grizzly. "High Country Grizzly"
- [*] Recycle 1.1; a BBS utility
- [*] SafeLauncher 1.0; pre-launch system check
- [*] Screen Movie1.1.2 a QT Screen/MIDI/Audio recorder
- [*] ScriptSynch v1.0 -- makes applications 'attachable'
- [*] SpiroChart 1.6a; Create spiral designs with Excel
- [*] Threshold 1.0.5; a PowerBook battery utility
- [*] Tzu for CodeWarrior 1.0a1; enhancements for the environment
- [*] welcome-to-powermac-14; a picture
- [Q] Ok, ok, I'm going ape-sh*t
- Acrobat 2.0 Readers available (fwd)
- A Problem with Central Point's MacTools Installer (Q)
- av machine speech compression
- Bad L2-cache card?
- Bypass Sytems Extensions with third party keyboards
- Chemistry Software
- Chunk file & safety & conversion.
- Claris Works Filing: Boxes around fields?
- converting MPEG to other fmts?
- destop textures (alleged crash)
- Finder eating up processor cycles
- Focusing a 14" AV Monitor
- Forwarding PowerTalk Messages
- FTP Server (2 msgs)
- HELP: speedisk crashed my mac? err. -39?
- Help finding UNIX for Max?
- hp dw gx10 (Q)
- Info-Mac Digest V12 #135
- Low-cost color printer
- LW 8.2->PS Error, Offend. Cmd.: BoldItalic
- Modems with voice capability
- OJ
- RAM Doubler virtual memory broken?
- Scheduling Software?
- SoftWindows really REALLY slow with Harvard Graphics
- strange hard disk problem
- StyleWriter II/Canon replacement cartridge
- Syquest problem, Info-mac #135 (A)
- The Info-Mac Network operates by the volunteer efforts of:
- Bill Lipa, Gordon Watts, Liam Breck, Igor Livshits, Adam C. Engst
- The Info-Mac Archive is available at 50 public and private sites around
- the world. For the site list, request it by mail (address below), or try:
- gopher://sumex-aim.stanford.edu/info-mac/help/mirror-list.txt
- Also accessible by ftp. Help files and indexes are also in info-mac/help/.
- Mail administrative queries and info to info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
- Mail articles for publication in the digest to info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
- Mail files for inclusion in the archives to macgifts@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
- To submit a file greater than 800K, or to avoid submitting by (and
- segmenting for) email, send email describing the file to
- backmod@sumex-aim.stanford.edu and upload it to:
- ftp://daemon.ncsa.uiuc.edu/Incoming
- As with emailed submissions, non-text files must be binhexed.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 12 Oct 1994 17:15:44 -0500
- From: love@auriga.rose.brandeis.edu (Michael Love)
- Subject: [*] anarcho16; a text editor
- Anarcho is a text editor, nothing more. It is smart enough to do most of
- the jobs that all the word processor posers out there are doing. Anarcho
- uses 150K of RAM and 35K of disk space. In these days of huge expensive
- applications, and limited hardware, it is nice to have something free that
- will fit in a small space. Anarcho will format text files from lesser
- computers including PC text files and QWK mail bundles. In version 1.6 all
- of the features have been implemented. This may be the final version. The
- 68040 compatibility problems and graceless exiting have been eliminated.
- Enjoy!
- [Archived as /info-mac/text/anarcho-16.hqx; 34K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 12 Oct 1994 07:40:22 +0100
- From: ccaadfg <ccaadfg@ucl.ac.uk>
- Subject: [*] apple-guide-patch; different icons andstuff
- Some unofficial patches to Apple Guide. Replaces the icons, the buttons, the
- paging controls, and the windoid used by guide windows.
- Sample pictures/instructions for use are within the archive.
- Dair Grant --- Information Systems Division --- University College London
- dair.grant@ucl.ac.uk --- http://www-server.bcc.ac.uk/~ccaadfg/home.html
- [Archived as /info-mac/gui/apple-guide-patch.hqx; 101K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 13 Oct 1994 08:58:24 -0400
- From: reh1@cornell.edu (Richard elGuru[tm] Howland-Bolton)
- Subject: [*] balloons-10b; a 4D external
- B a l l o o n s. e x t , V e r s i o n 1 .0 b
- R e a d M e i n f o r m a t i o n
- Balloons.ext is an external package for use with 4th Dimension. It is a
- freeware utility that enables localized Balloon Help and changing Balloon
- Help messages during runtime. With the package, you can display text from
- string resources and 4th Dimension variables. You can also display styled
- text and pictures.
- [Archived as /info-mac/dev/a4d/ext/balloons-10b.hqx; 40K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: 12 Oct 1994 10:49:04 -0400 (EDT)
- From: "Jeremy Kezer, (203) 676-6151" <KEZER%BRAVO@utrc.utc.com>
- Subject: [*] BatteryAmnesia 1.3.1a; a PowerBook battery utility
- BatteryAmnesia 1.3.1a for PowerBooks (by Jeremy Kezer)
- BatteryAmnesia is a utility for any PowerBook that uses a nickel-cadmium
- (NiCad)
- or nickel-hydride (NiHy) battery. Over time, these batteries are susceptible
- to a "memory effect", which can reduce their battery capacity. The memory
- effect can be cured by fully discharging the battery before recharging it.
- BatteryAmnesia provides a safe, fast and automatic way to deep discharge your
- PowerBook's battery. It automatically bypasses the low battery
- warning dialogs, and prevents the "soft" sleep brought on by those dialogs.
- Instead, BatteryAmnesia will run your PowerBook's battery down until the "hard"
- hardware shutdown occurs, which is at a lower voltage. This provides the best
- discharge possible.
- Version 1.3.1 fixes a garbage character display that would sometimes occur.
- Version 1.3.1a fixes a typo in the "About..." dialog box regarding shareware
- fees.
- [Archived as /info-mac/cfg/battery-amnesia-131a.hqx; 134K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 12 Oct 1994 16:56:58 -0500
- From: Henrik Eliasson <gu91heel@dd.chalmers.se>
- Subject: [*] CD Menu 1.0; controls your CD ROM drive
- This is a small control panel allowing those of you who have a CD-ROM drive
- to control your audio CDs without having to switch between applications.
- [Archived as /info-mac/gui/cd-menu-10.hqx; 112K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 12 Oct 1994 16:56:37 -0500
- From: Jason Fried <fried@GAS.UUG.Arizona.EDU>
- Subject: [*] CDTracker0.9; a FileMaker Pro database for CDs
- The ultimate database to keep your compact discs in order. CD Tracker
- REQUIRES FileMaker Pro 2.1 or later in order to run.
- CD Tracker allows you to create a database of your compact disc's titles,
- artists, songs, music type, new or used, etc. All the features you need
- and NONE of the ones you don't. CD Tracker also allows you to search and
- sort your discs in anyway you like. CD Tracker is packaged with a SLICK
- and ergonomic graphical user interface.
- New feature enhancements:
- New user interface
- MORE features with almost 150K less disk space!
- Better reliability on search and sort
- Still beta, but basically perfect. The release will have a few more
- features, but this version is CERTAINLY SUFFICIENT until the release it
- released. Have fun, and email all comments/suggestions to:
- fried@GAS.UUG.Arizona.Edu -or- fried@bio-32.bsd.uchicago.edu
- [Archived as /info-mac/app/cd-tracker-09-fmpro.hqx; 113K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 12 Oct 1994 17:12:17 -0500
- From: love@auriga.rose.brandeis.edu (Michael Love)
- Subject: [*] desktopvalet301; an alias utility
- End desktop clutter forever! Avoid the most tedious file operations. This
- utility will move, delete, shred or alias files that are dropped on it.
- Put copies of it in your Apple Menu, on your launch pad, or in deep
- folders. Make aliases of it on your desktop and rename them according to
- the desired option. Keep a number of Valets around in convenient places.
- With them, you can move, delete, and alias files quickly and easily.
- Desktop Valet 3.0.1 is Apple Event aware. The Folder button accesses
- Valet's home directory. Despite these improvements, it is still very small
- and incredibly fast. Desktop Valet is now a powerful directory management
- utility and a formidable addition to your battery of desktop tools.
- [Archived as /info-mac/gui/desktop-valet-301f.hqx; 12K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 12 Oct 1994 17:14:40 -0500
- From: obo@ruk.cuni.cz (Ondrej Bojar)
- Subject: [*] DialogRascal; just a silly diversion
- This is a typical STUPIDware.
- Love it, hate, it, just mail me why...
- Ondrej Bojar (obo@cuni.cz)
- [Archived as /info-mac/game/dialog-rascal.hqx; 14K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 12 Oct 1994 09:14:04 -0400 (EDT)
- From: STH@eclx.psu.edu
- Subject: [*] Dr.Macinto updated game
- Dr. Macinto is a single player game in which one is to remove all the viruses
- (smiling-
- face squres). The blocks can be removed by arranging them sequences of 4 or
- more
- of
- the same color horizontally or vertically.
- Playing pills drop from the top and are comprised of two random colored
- blocks.
- Pills
- drop one at a time and may be moved left or right, or rotated.
- Version 2.8 runs on PowerPC Macs. Sound added in version 2.7. You can configure
- key in version 2.6. On-line help, flip command and more features are added.
- Version
- 2.5C features 256 color blocks and more twist (3 new kind of virus, diagonal
- remove,
- etc.).
- Dr. Macinto is 32-bit compatible and should run on any Mac from MacPlus to
- PowerPC Macs under System 6 or System 7.
- If you want to keep this game, please pay US$5.00 shareware fee. If you send
- $10
- or
- more, you will recieve the latest version and other games try in a diskette.
- See
- 'About..'
- for more information.
- [Archived as /info-mac/game/arc/dr-macinto-28.hqx; 141K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 12 Oct 1994 09:14:04 -0400 (EDT)
- From: STH@eclx.psu.edu
- Subject: [*] Dr.Macinto updated game
- Dr. Macinto is a single player game in which one is to remove all the viruses
- (smiling-
- face squres). The blocks can be removed by arranging them sequences of 4 or
- more
- of
- the same color horizontally or vertically.
- Playing pills drop from the top and are comprised of two random colored
- blocks.
- Pills
- drop one at a time and may be moved left or right, or rotated.
- Version 2.8 runs on PowerPC Macs. Sound added in version 2.7. You can configure
- key in version 2.6. On-line help, flip command and more features are added.
- Version
- 2.5C features 256 color blocks and more twist (3 new kind of virus, diagonal
- remove,
- etc.).
- Dr. Macinto is 32-bit compatible and should run on any Mac from MacPlus to
- PowerPC Macs under System 6 or System 7.
- If you want to keep this game, please pay US$5.00 shareware fee. If you send
- $10
- or
- more, you will recieve the latest version and other games try in a diskette.
- See
- 'About..'
- for more information.
- [Archived as /info-mac/game/arc/dr-macinto-28.hqx; 141K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 12 Oct 1994 16:52:16 -0500
- From: Glen.Stewart@f174.n2240.z1.fidonet.org (Glen Stewart)
- Subject: [*] E-Mail->Echo1.0; a mail routing utility
- E-Mail->Echo re-routes incoming netmail for designated users into certain
- echoes that you specify. My main purpose for creating this utility was to
- provide access to messages coming from an InterNet mailing list, into a typical
- echo format. Combining the functionality of E-Mail->Echo with the Echo->E-Mail
- function of Testify (another of my Tabby-compatible utilities) allows users to
- see all incoming messages and post replies without actually belonging to the
- mailing list. Isn't that neat?
- [Archived as /info-mac/comm/email-echo-10.hqx; 56K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 12 Oct 1994 14:08:30 -0700
- From: ames@netcom.com (Bill Ames)
- Subject: [*] EthernetMovieQTv1.2; a simulation
- [Archived as /info-mac/comm/info/ethernet-simulation-12-qt.hqx; 1263K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 13 Oct 1994 15:11:08 -0500
- From: Brian Gery Hilfsassistent bei "R." Siegwart SS94 <gery@ifr.mavt.ethz.ch>
- Subject: [*] filter-analyzer-232; active filter response analysis tool
- This program is a simple, but elegant, active filter response analysis tool.
- It has the ability to simulate the frequency response (magnitude and phase)
- of single- or multi-stage filters built with common first- and second-order
- active filter stages. It can calculate the Q and natural frequency of standard
- second-order filter stages. There are a number of graphing options including
- the ability to change the range and number of points per decade along the
- frequency axis. It can also plot the response magnitude in standard voltage
- ratio or decibel formats, and has a cursor feature that will display the
- magnitude and phase at the frequency where you click the mouse. It will
- print the plots that you generate with a number of useful print options, and
- save filter configurations as FilterAnalyzer data files.
- FilterAnalyzer 2.32 is distributed as shareware in the hopes that users will
- be honest and pay the US$15 registration fee which will entitle the user to
- free future updates and information on new simulation and design software
- releases by the author. Please read the registration stuff.
- I would appreciate bug reports, and shareware fees! :-)
- Thank you,
- Brian Gery
- geryb@rpi.edu *or*
- gery@ifr.mavt.ethz.ch
- [Archived as /info-mac/sci/filter-analyzer-232.hqx; 61K]
- [Archived as /info-mac/sci/filter-analyzer-232-nofpu.hqx; 65K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 12 Oct 1994 08:45:33 +0100 (MET)
- From: "Rene G.A. Ros" <rgaros@bio.vu.nl>
- Subject: [*] Gestalt Selectors List 2.6
- Gestalt Selectors List (GSL)
- This list celibrates its second anniversary today.
- It lists all sorts of information about the Gestalt Manager, but mainly
- about selectors and the meaning of the returned values.
- The Gestalt Manager is part of the Apple Macintosh System Software to
- enable programmers to determine the availability of certain software and
- hardware.
- The most important news is that the machine ID's will be reused...
- Best regards,
- Rene Ros
- rgaros@bio.vu.nl
- [Archived as /info-mac/dev/info/gestalt-selectors-26.hqx; 77K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 13 Oct 1994 15:11:21 -0500
- From: "Mancarella-Bob" <MSMAIL.MANCAREB@TSOD.LMIG.COM>
- Subject: [*] GopherGolf v1.3.2; a game
- GopherGolf is a miniature golf game and course editor. Play one of the
- five included courses or create your own with the editor.
- Watch out for that pesky gopher. You never know where he*ll pop up next.
- Runs in B&W or up to 256 colors on monitors 9" and larger. 1 to 4
- players.
- Version 1.3.2 fixes some bugs.
- GopherGolf can be registered online on CIS: GO SWREG. The Reg. ID is
- 3168.
- [Archived as /info-mac/game/gopher-golf-132.hqx; 404K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 11 Oct 1994 12:23:21 +0000
- From: "Matthew C. Miller" <mmiller@claven.idbsu.edu>
- Subject: [*] Internet Tutorial Stacks
- Attached is the self-extracting archive (binhexed) of my Internet Tutorials
- stacks. They are v1.3, and still very much in process.
- Currently they contain a navigator stack, a stack for FTP, one for Telnet, one
- for WWW, and a beginners version of the Internet Hunt. All the stacks are
- currently freeware - you may copy freely for personal or educational but not
- commercial purposes.
- Future enhancements planned : Gopher stack; Misc. Tools stack w/ e-mail,
- Usenet, Listserves, Archie, etc.; Conversion of Internet Hunt to WWW instead of
- Gopher questions.
- Matthew C. Miller
- Faculty Lab - Boise State University
- mmiller@claven.idbsu.edu
- gusmille@idbsu.idbsu.edu
- <http://gozer.idbsu.edu/students/mmiller/mhome.html>
- <http://gozer.idbsu.edu/students/mmiller/sca.html>
- [Archived as /info-mac/comm/info/internet-tutorials-13-hc.hqx; 947K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: 12 Oct 1994 10:45:51 -0400 (EDT)
- From: "Jeremy Kezer, (203) 676-6151" <KEZER%BRAVO@utrc.utc.com>
- Subject: [*] Jeremy's Control Strip Modules 1.2.3
- Jeremy's Control Strip Modules 1.2.3 (by Jeremy Kezer)
- This is a package of Control Strip modules, designed to work with Apple's
- Control Strip software. The modules are:
- * Jeremy's CPU speed CSM - Displays current clock speed in MHz, or indicates
- relative fast/slow speed with tortoise/hare icons. On supported models, you
- can change the clock speed.
- * Jeremy's Battery CSM - Replaces Apple's Battery Monitor module, but displays
- more battery information in a smaller area! Also displays hard drive
- status, modem status, battery voltage, and estimated battery time
- remaining.
- * Jeremy's Clock CSM - Displays the current time. Via a popup menu, you can
- customize the appearance of the display.
- * Jeremy's Sound Volume CSM - A direct replacement for the Sound Volume module
- provided by Apple. The icon shows the current volume setting in both
- numeric
- and pictoral form, so you don't need to bring up the menu to determine the
- current volume.
- * Jeremy's Sleep CSM - A direct replacement for the Sleep Now module provided
- by Apple. Via the popup menu, you can select whether or not to bypass the
- dialog that appears when AppleTalk is active.
- * Jeremy's Battery Time CSM - Displays Apple's remaining battery time, a
- historical estimate that "learns" your battery life, or the elapsed battery
- time.
- Version 1.2.3 contains enhancements to the Battery CSM and the CPU Speed CSM.
- Shareware; $10 registration fee suggested. See enclosed documents for more
- information.
- [Archived as /info-mac/gui/jeremys-control-strip-modules-123.hqx; 147K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 12 Oct 1994 17:27:49 -0500
- From: Victor Orly <orly@alnitak.usc.edu>
- Subject: [*] Jurassic Park; sounds from the movie
- [Archived as /info-mac/snd/jurassic-park-grp1.hqx; 4355K]
- [Archived as /info-mac/snd/jurassic-park-grp2.hqx; 3090K]
- [Archived as /info-mac/snd/jurassic-park-grp3.hqx; 4649K]
- [Archived as /info-mac/snd/jurassic-park-grp4.hqx; 2312K]
- [Archived as /info-mac/snd/jurassic-park-grp5.hqx; 2115K]
- [Archived as /info-mac/snd/jurassic-park-grp6.hqx; 1497K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 11 Oct 1994 12:13:28 -0400
- From: jxj24@po.cwru.edu (Jonathan Jacobs)
- Subject: [*] Kill FinderZooms 0.99; inhibits zooming windows
- Here is an update to Kill FinderZooms. This is version 0.99, and it fixes
- a minor and a major problem that appeared in version 0.9. If you have
- version 0.9 GET RID OF IT. I made a error which can hang your modified
- Finder in some cases.
- This program will get rid of the Finder's zoom rectangle animation that
- occurs whenever you open or close a window (or an application) or whenever
- you choose "Clean Up" for a window that is being viewed by Icon or by Small
- Icon.
- This program will modify a copy of Finder 7.1.3 or 7.1.4 (the versions that
- come with the PowerMac and with System 7.5).
- jon
- [Archived as /info-mac/gui/kill-finder-zooms-099.hqx; 30K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 13 Oct 1994 08:32:51 -0800
- From: franke1@popcorn.llnl.gov (Norman Franke, III)
- Subject: [*] MPEG Audio; a sound player
- Enclosed is a real quick attempt at an MPEG Audio player and converter for
- the Macintosh. It will allow conversion to SoundApp compatible files for
- those of us without a fast Macintosh. It has a real primative interface,
- since it's a port for the Unix maplay1.2. It's distributed as a fat binary
- and it's free.
- -Norman
- [Archived as /info-mac/snd/util/mpeg-audio.hqx; 134K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 12 Oct 1994 17:08:55 -0700
- From: lanford@netcom.com (Jim Lanford)
- Subject: [*] NetNames0.95 is a Newton network diagnostic app
- KEYWORDS: Applications, Newton, AppleTalk, Network, Diagnostic, Utility
- NetNames(tm) is a simple to use network diagnostic utility that displays
- named devices on AppleTalk.
- NetNames has been on many 'Best Newton Shareware' lists.
- It is useful for:
- - Network system administrators to troubleshoot AppleTalk networks.
- - Newton users trying to print or use the Connection Kit over an unknown
- network.
- (version .95 fits on the MP 110 screen)
- [Archived as /info-mac/nwt/util/net-names-095.hqx; 22K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 12 Oct 1994 09:15:06 -0400 (EDT)
- From: STH@eclx.psu.edu
- Subject: [*] PolyMine updated game
- PolyMine is a game with special grid and mines. The objective is find all the
- safe place
- without stepping on a mine. PolyMine is one of Poly-Series games.
- Depending on your skill, you can adjust the difficulty of the game by selecting
- number
- of mines, holes and shape of grid.
- Auto Click and continuous mode added in version 1.01. Minor bug was fixed in
- version
- 1.02. Error trap works properly in version 1.03. Background was added and
- scoring
- changed in version 1.04. Version 1.06 is made easier. More bugs are fixed.
- [Archived as /info-mac/game/brd/polymine-106.hqx; 132K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 11 Oct 1994 19:34:17 -0700
- From: brian@harpo.ampr.ab.ca (Brian Hutchison)
- Subject: [*] Precision pencil drawing of a grizzly. "High Country Grizzly"
- This is a scan of a limited edition print published from a pencil drawing,
- entitled "High Country Grizzly", copyright 1988. The drawing is of a
- grizzly descending a slope in the Rocky Mountains.
- This is the second in a series of fine art wildlife images we will be
- uploading. The artist welcomes all comments.
- This file is uploaded with the permission of the artist, Glenn Korgaard of
- Alberta, Canada. 697 x 907, 256 grey scale TIFF format.
- Send e-mail to glenn@harpo.ampr.ab.ca or brian@harpo.ampr.ab.ca
- [Archived as /info-mac/grf/grizzly.hqx; 676K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: 09 Oct 94 23:22:02 -0500
- From: Glen.Stewart@f174.n2240.z1.fidonet.org (Glen Stewart)
- Subject: [*] Recycle 1.1; a BBS utility
- Recycle is a well-tested system that makes Mac BBS's like Telefinder able to
- perform with full multi-node concurrent-crashmail capabilities using a MINIMUM
- of disk and CPU resources. This software lets you enter the "Big League" - no
- more limits on how many concurrently crashmailable nodes you can have on
- FidoNet!
- [Archived as /info-mac/comm/bbs/recycle-11.hqx; 4K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 12 Oct 1994 02:30:19 -0700
- From: triantos@netcom.com (Nick B Triantos)
- Subject: [*] SafeLauncher 1.0; pre-launch system check
- SafeLauncher is a tiny application (about 6k) that will launch another app
- after
- making some system checks for you. Specifically, SafeLauncher will optionally
- check
- one or more of the following: the status of 32-bit addressing, the status of
- the
- 68040 cache, the bit depth of the main screen. It is especially useful when
- launching old games and other apps that would crash if incorrectly launched
- under
- 32-bit addressing or with the caches enabled. SafeLauncher is free, and its
- source
- code included for programmers.
- [Archived as /info-mac/cfg/safe-launcher-10.hqx; 42K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 12 Oct 1994 16:17:46 EST
- From: Paul_C.H._Ho@mail.magic.ca
- Subject: [*] Screen Movie1.1.2 a QT Screen/MIDI/Audio recorder
- Screen Movie1.1.2 941012
- Copyright(c) 1994 Paul C.H. Ho and Pink Elephant Technologies. All rights
- reserved.
- This is shareware.
- This is part four of MovieTrilogy.
- + ScreenMovie record your monitor screen into a QuickTime Movie.
- + Record audio up to 16bit 48KHz stereo.
- + If you have QuickTime 2.0 and QuickTime Musical Instruments, you can also
- record MIDI track.
- + Make QuickTime movie with commentary for training purposes.
- + Record MIDI sequence while sing into the microphone.
- + Include PPC and 68K versions.
- What's new in 1.1.2?
- + Change default compression setting to enable temporal compression.
- What's new in 1.1.1?
- + Fixed a bug in the PPC version, was crashing when component manager fail
- to register the video component.
- System Requirements
- + System 7 or later.
- + QuickTime 1.6.1 or later. Some features required QuickTime 2.0.
- + MIDI Manager is required for MIDI recording.
- + ScreenMovie68K work on both 68K and PPC Mac.
- + ScreenMoviePPC is PowerMac Native.
- Uploaded by author Paul C.H. Ho
- Pink Elephant Technologies
- paulcho@io.org
- Paul_C.H._Ho@magic.ca
- 74020.772@compuserve.com
- [Archived as /info-mac/grf/util/screen-movie-112.hqx; 67K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 12 Oct 94 23:39:34 EDT
- From: marka@ee.mcgill.ca (Mr. Mark Aran Aiken)
- Subject: [*] ScriptSynch v1.0 -- makes applications 'attachable'
- In scripter lingo, ScriptSynch is a system extension that
- can provide functionality resembling "attachability" to your
- applications. To mortals, this means ScriptSynch can automatically
- launch applications, open files, or run scripts when specific
- applications launch or quit. This is useful for running a
- "startup script" whenever an application loads, attaching one
- application to another so they launch and quit at the same time
- (Eudora and Nuntius, for example), or tracking application usage
- through scripting. A little contrary to its name, ScriptSynch
- works fine without AppleScript, although it works best in
- conjunction with it.
- ScriptSynch is fully functional, but is shareware $10US.
- Author: Mark Aiken (marka@ee.mcgill.ca)
- [Archived as /info-mac/gui/script-synch-10.hqx; 21K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 12 Oct 1994 16:56:44 -0500
- From: Paul Koch <prkoch@engecs1.unl.edu>
- Subject: [*] SpiroChart 1.6a; Create spiral designs with Excel
- This collection of spreadsheets generates a fascinating variety of spiral
- designs and angular patterns, based on numbers selected by the user.
- The spreadsheets and their corresponding charts were created with
- Microsoft Excel 4.0.
- Changes since SpiroChart 1.6: Minor corrections and new information in
- ReadMe file, but no changes to spreadsheets themselves. To save download
- time if you already have version 1.6, simply substitute this e-mail message
- for ReadMe file.
- Paul Koch
- [Archived as /info-mac/grf/util/spiro-chart-16a-excel.hqx; 485K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: 12 Oct 1994 10:40:05 -0400 (EDT)
- From: "Jeremy Kezer, (203) 676-6151" <KEZER%BRAVO@utrc.utc.com>
- Subject: [*] Threshold 1.0.5; a PowerBook battery utility
- Threshold 1.0.5 for PowerBooks (by Jeremy Kezer)
- Do you use an external battery on your PowerBook? Or are you tired of those
- low battery warnings coming up minutes or even hours before they really
- should?
- Then Threshold is the answer!
- Threshold lets you adjust when the low battery warnings occur. You can alter
- the warnings to come up later than usual, giving you more productive battery
- time. It is essential if you are using an external battery pack (PowerPlate,
- ThinPack or similar), but it's also handy for internal batteries.
- Threshold sports a concise graphical display. It shows an analog graph
- representing current battery voltage, with the curent warning points
- illustrated. There is also a battery status indicator, an elapsed timer, and a
- sleep button. The warning thresholds are easily adjusted using up & down
- arrows.
- Threshold allows you to program up to three different sets of warnings, and can
- automatically toggle between different sets for internal and external
- batteries.
- Version 1.0.5 prevents Threshold from being run on unsupported models, such as
- the PowerBook 150.
- Shareware; $10 registration fee suggested. DOES NOT work on Duo's.
- Jeremy Kezer
- 143 Songbird Lane
- Farmington, CT 06032-3433 (USA)
- jbkezer@aol.com
- [Archived as /info-mac/cfg/threshold-105.hqx; 136K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 12 Oct 1994 02:47:51 -0400 (EDT)
- From: "Chris Thomas, ICONtact Developer Database Librarian"
- <THUNDERONE@delphi.com>
- Subject: [*] Tzu for CodeWarrior 1.0a1; enhancements for the environment
- =A91994 Chris K. Thomas. All Rights Reserved.
- Reach Me At <thunderone@delphi.com>
- =3D=3D=3D The Story So Far
- I didn't feel much like paying for PopUpFuncs, and I didn't really wa=
- nt=20
- to lose the advantages of CodeWarrior's editing enviroment, so I set =
- to=20
- work on Tzu.
- =3D=3D=3D What It Does
- Tzu installs a new menu in CodeWarrior's menu bar. This menu contain=
- s=20
- Tzu Tools. Tzu Tools are easy-to-write code resources. In this way,=
- =20
- Tzu finally allows CodeWarrior's editor to be easily customized. Tzu=
- is=20
- also Free. Speak no money, Hear no money, See no money, Send no mone=
- y.
- Two sample Tzu Tools complete with source/project files are included.
- =3D=3D=3D What It Is
- Tzu is a 68k extension, but a relatively well-behaved extension. It=
- =20
- only patches the Menu and Scrap Managers, neither of which (AFAIK) is=
- =20
- PowerMac-native as of 7.5. It should work with all CodeWarrior=20
- enviroments (68k/PPC/Pascal/C++).
- Note the a in "1.0a1" - this is Alpha Quality Software. Use it at yo=
- ur=20
- own risk. I take no responsibility for anything that may or may not=
- =20
- happen to your Mac as a result of it's use.
- =3D=3D=3D How To Contact Me
- I'm available, as always, at <thunderone@delphi.com>. Feel free to s=
- end=20
- suggestions, code, bug reports, comments, job offers, and your favori=
- te=20
- explicit GIFs. Send me your Tzu Tools and I'll include them in the n=
- ext=20
- release.
- [Archived as /info-mac/dev/tzu-10a1.hqx; 89K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 12 Oct 1994 16:52:24 -0500
- From: chip@inter.interzone.ch (Marc Liyanage)
- Subject: [*] welcome-to-powermac-14; a picture
- This is the same picture as the one I sent a few days ago.
- I've been asked to render it again at 640x480 pixels, the
- Mac 14" resolution.
- Enjoy and please send me some email if you like it.
- Marc Liyanage chip@interzone.ch
- Bronschhofen, Switzerland
- [Archived as /info-mac/grf/welcome-to-power-macintosh-14in.hqx; 143K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 12 Oct 1994 11:46:44 -0400 (EDT)
- Subject: [Q] Ok, ok, I'm going ape-sh*t
- Hello all:
- Like the subj says, I am going nuts with this midi thing. It is great!
- I can't believe that a 30k file can play for about 4 minutes and not hog systm
- resources. It even plays in the background, full instrumentation and all.
- I can't get over the implications for games, multimedia, presentations, etc to
- have full, long playing quality music, all made possible by QT 2.0 and the
- QT Instrument Extension.
- I WANT MORE! I know nothing about midi. Can someone point me to
- shareware that would allow me to make my own compositions? I was checking
- out all the instruments that are represented (that can be 'played') and
- it is amazing. I am not a musician, so I would like a prog where music can be
- layed out in tracks, moved, extended, etc.. (if there is such a thing...)
- -Luis Muench
- ps please reply to muench@solix.fiu.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 11 Oct 1994 10:06:49 -0700 (PDT)
- From: John Thoo <jbthoo@ucdavis.edu>
- Subject: Acrobat 2.0 Readers available (fwd)
- The following forwarded message gives info on where to obtain a copy of
- the freely distributable Adobe Acrobat Reader in each of its different
- flavors (Macintosh, Windows, DOS, and Unix).
- If you want to see what an Acrobat document looks like after grabbing the
- free Reader, you may check out any of the Portable Document Format (PDF)
- hyperlinks in my math class Home Page:
- http://math.ucdavis.edu/~jb2/mat12-02.html
- I'm making most of my class handouts available as PDF files that my
- students can get using Mosaic from many of the campus microcomputer labs.
- These PDF files are very simple (no bookmarks, indexing, etc.), but they'll
- give you an idea of how I use Mosaic-Acrobat together for my class.
- If you use Mosaic, you can configure it to launch Acrobat Reader
- automatically when you click on a PDF hyperlink (just like clicking on a
- JPEG file might launch JPEGView automatically).
- --John.
- J. B. THOO, Math Dept, Univ of California, Davis, CA 95616-8633
- Internet: <jb2@math.ucdavis.edu> or <jbthoo@ucdavis.ucdavis.edu>
- Home Page: <http://math.ucdavis.edu/~jb2>
- --------- Forwarded message ----------
- Date: Mon, 10 Oct 1994 18:14:09 -0700
- From:pdeziel@mv.us.adobe.com
- To: Multiple recipients of list <ucd-adobe@ucdavis.ucdavis.edu>
- Subject: Acrobat 2.0 Readers available
- I am pleased to announce that Adobe Acrobat 2.0 software for Macintosh and
- Windows has been officially declared Golden Master. The free Reader (as well as
- version 1.0 for DOS and SunOS/Solaris 2.3) are available now from the Adobe FTP
- site:
- ftp.adobe.com - /pub/adobe/Applications/Acrobat
- Within a week, the Mac and Windows Readers will also be posted to:
- Adobe World Wide Web site - http://www.adobe.com (also DOS/UNIX)
- Adobe BBS 1-408-562-6839
- Requires modem and a terminal emulation program that supports VT-100 or ANSI
- emulation.
- Settings: 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity, speeds up to 14.4 Kbs.
- Log in: with your own name and select a password. Please note that Adobe
- BBS will not accept a blank as either USERID or PASSWORD.
- CompuServe (connect time charges) - GO ACROBAT
- America Online (connect time charges) - keywords: aldus, mbs
- Retail products will ship in roughly 10 days. For product information,
- 1-800-87-
- And, to order media for the free Readers from Adobe:
- 1-800-521-1976
- Order Mac or Windows - "Free Reader Program" - $9.95 s/h
- Order CD Sampler (M/W/D/U plus content) - Offer # 3-13-09-6 - $14.95 s/h
- Enjoy!
- Pam Deziel
- Acrobat Product Marketing
- Adobe Systems, Inc.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 12 Oct 1994 12:34:09 -0400
- From: "W. R. Wing" <wrw@cosmail1.ctd.ornl.gov>
- Subject: A Problem with Central Point's MacTools Installer (Q)
- I just tried installing Central Point's MacTools (version 3.0b) on my brand
- new PowerBook 540c. The installer program wants to start by doing a virus
- scan of the hard disk. On the 540c this blows up with a "Type 1" error
- about 90% of the way through the process. I tried copying the installer to
- the internal disk, increasing its partition size (I know, this shouldn't
- have made any difference, but what the heck) all to no avail. When I tried
- calling Central Point, their automated answering system tells me they won't
- talk to me unless I give them my charge card number. Since I refuse to be
- billed $25 to report a problem with their own software it leaves me
- frustrated and disgusted (in that order).
- Has anyone else seen this problem, and/or does anyone know what the solution
- is?
- Thanks,
- Bill
- "W. R. Wing, Sr. Sci., Ofc. of Lab. Computing, Oak Ridge Nat. Lab."
- <wrw@ornl.gov>
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 12 Oct 1994 15:19:48 -0500
- From: Paul M Sheldon <psheldon@utdallas.edu>
- Subject: av machine speech compression
- Here's a wish for apple or a developer.
- Apple has a macintalk that reads text.
- I wish they would make a voice to phoneme-intonation entry program on
- an av machine with a dsp chip to turn high baudrate sounds into low
- baudrate symbolic representation for their Macintalk.
- This would save bandwidth on internet talk radio diversification to
- more general interests!
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 12 Oct 1994 21:55:20 +0100 (MET)
- From: afritzse@avalon.unizh.ch (Arthur W. Fritzsche)
- Subject: Bad L2-cache card?
- Hi there!
- Do you know of some tool reliably testing the L2-cache card
- of the Power Macs? I keep getting those System Error 11 messages,
- especially with native software!
- Once I've heard that a whole production run of 8100s had bad
- cards. :(
- Thank you!
- --
- Arthur W. Fritzsche Federal University of Zurich, Switzerland
- afritzse@avalon.unizh.ch Department of Informatics
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 13 Oct 1994 12:54:20 -0500
- From: gch2@cornell.edu (Geoffrey C. Hoffman)
- Subject: Bypass Sytems Extensions with third party keyboards
- Here is my question form before, and the response that I got from Glen Hoag
- (glenhoag@nuance.com) that proved to answer my question. I'm posting it in case
- any of you have this same problem.
- >>I've been having trouble with bypassing the system extensions. I am familiar
- >>with the shift key method, but now it doesn't work too frequently. It used
- to
- >>be i would have to restart a couple time till i saw the "extensions off" but
- >>now it doesn't reallyt work at all. Are any of you familiar with this
- >>problem? I had heard of certain software that patches the system so you
- can't
- >>skip the extensions (security programs and stuff like that) but i was
- wondering
- >>if you knew which software did this, or maybe any other ideas as to why this
- >>ain't happening. I thought the shift key was written in the ROMs, but i
- guess
- >>not...
- >>
- >
- >You aren't by any chance, using a third-party keyboard, such as the
- >Datadesk Mac101e, are you? During the restart process, the Mac sends out a
- >command to reset the keyboard. Apple keyboards will transmit information
- >about the state of keys that are held down during a reset sequence, while
- >the Datadesk does not. The solution is not to press the shift key until
- >the keyboard has been reset. (This might be indicated by the LEDs flashing
- >on the keyboard, but you may have to time it from when the screen blanks
- >and the happy Mac appears.)
- Geoffrey Hoffman
- Cornell University
- E-Mail Address: gch2@cornell.edu
- Address: j300161182.resnet.cornell.edu
- Finger for more info
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 13 Oct 94 23:51:19 EDT
- From: leo@ramsey.cs.laurentian.ca (Prof. L.G. Leduc)
- Subject: Chemistry Software
- A few days ago I posted the message (see below) about software for writing or
- drawing chemical formulae on the Mac. Unfortunately, I only received two
- replies from Mac users. Anyone out there familiar with such programs?
- I would really appreciate help from anyone who has info about such software.
- Shareware would be great.
- Thanks again.
- Leo G. Leduc
- I'm looking for a small program which can make chemical formulae for different
- types of organic compounds. I'm interested in something simple that will work
- with MS Word 5.1. In other words, I would like to copy from the formula
- builder and paste it into MS Word.
- If anyone knows of such a beast, please send Email directly to me.
- Thanks in advance.
- Leo G. Leduc
- leo@ramsey.cs.laurentian.ca
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 12 Oct 94 15:20:47 +0100
- From: massimiliano brugnoli <macs@lim.sm.dsi.unimi.it>
- Subject: Chunk file & safety & conversion.
- Hi i have 3 question:
- 1-does The file dehqx automatically transform .hqx file in mac
- format?which is the easier way to tranform .hqx file in Mac file?
- 2-I've the Sam antivirus, can it detect infected .hqx files?or it can
- do it only when they are decompressed?
- 3-I get file with a Next machine, and when i save to floppy, if the
- file is too large , Next can build a compressed mutivolume file, it
- has the extension chunk, how can I transform it in a Mac file?
- Excuse my stupid questions but I'm quite new on The Net.
- thank u for all this wonderfull working on sumex-aim
- Bye by Max.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 12 Oct 94 16:54:23 PDT
- From: Paul Brians <BRIANS@WSUVM1.CSC.WSU.EDU>
- Subject: Claris Works Filing: Boxes around fields?
- The online help in Claris Works seems to imply that the only way to
- make a box print around a field in a filing document is to hand draw
- it with the graphics tools--a real pain, and has to be redone whenever
- you resize your fields. Please tellme I'm wrong.
- The manual doesn't seem to say anything on the subject at all.
- Paul Brians, Washington State University, brians@wsuvm1.csc.wsu.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 13 Oct 1994 14:40:08 -0500 (CDT)
- From: Michael Salmons <msalmons@bigcat.missouri.edu>
- Subject: converting MPEG to other fmts?
- Hello...
- Has anyone seen on the net (or is using) a program that will convert
- MPEG movies to other formats (DL, FLI, AVI or QTM)?
- Thanks!
- Michael Salmons
- msalmons@bigcat.missouri.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 12 Oct 1994 11:47:02 -0700
- From: dgoodvin@ups.edu (Dale Goodvin)
- Subject: destop textures (alleged crash)
- When I wrote about my crash with destop textures installer 2.1 on another
- list, a number of people replied that they too found it prone to crashing.
- One person said that it was "notoriously buggy." So. I would like to hear
- more about this from others; I certainly had no preconcieved ideas about the
- program, and I loved it while it worked! If I could trust it, I'd use it
- again. I have a Performa 460 (7.1P3).
- Thanks,
- Dale (dgoodvin@ups.edu.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 12 Oct 1994 11:01:56 -0800
- From: harder@ENGR.ORST.EDU (Robert W. Harder)
- Subject: Finder eating up processor cycles
- Using Virtualosos' CycleSpy I have found that my slow TCP throughput
- (10k/s) is caused by the Finder consistently eating up precious cycle
- times. Even Microsoft Word, which once slowed down my computer just by
- being run, has no effect now, but WOW, the Finder (and even the
- ScriptEditor) are terrible offenders.
- Am I alone here? What have you found? What can I do? I expect some slowness
- since I keep seven or eight apps I always use open all the time, but the
- Finder is just greedy.
- (No Virtual Memory, System 7.5, 17RAM)
- ,,,
- `(. .)'
- o------oOo-(_)-oSu------o
- Y Robert W. Harder Y
- | Windsor, California |
- | Corvallis, Oregon |
- o------=====o=====------o
- Note new address:
- harder@flop.engr.orst.edu
- -------------------
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 12 Oct 1994 15:07:14 EDT
- From: "Jeffrey N. Fritz" <JFRITZ%WVNVM.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
- Subject: Focusing a 14" AV Monitor
- I have a 14" AV Apple monitor that is slightly out of focus.
- Does anyone know any way (short of returning it for repair)
- to focus the monitor?
- It's not serious. Only annoying.
- Jeffrey Fritz
- West Virginia University
- jfritz@wvnvm.wvnet.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 12 Oct 1994 18:11:58 +0100
- From: Tom Hostler <tomh@auntie.bbcnc.org.uk>
- Subject: Forwarding PowerTalk Messages
- Hello world!
- Does anyone know of a method or widgit which can automatically forward
- items arriving in my desktop mailbox to another PowerTalk account, so that
- when I'm out of the office my incoming mail can be forwarded to a colleague
- to be dealt with.
- Could this be done with AppleScript ? I have 7.5 but no PowerShare server
- (as yet)
- Answers to tomh@bbcnc.org.uk please, and thanks!
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 12 Oct 1994 12:40:29 -0400
- From: kenlars@eecs.umich.edu (Ken Larson)
- Subject: FTP Server
- >I need to be able to FTP into my Mac any ideas?
- NCSA telnet has an FTP server built into it. I have had pretty good luck
- with it.
- ___________
- K e n L a r s o n |O|~~~~~|O| /| |...//////..|
- |O| |O| __/.| _ |../ o |..|
- +==== CONSULTANT ====+ |O| |O|| |..|\ /_\ |./_ |..|
- | Macintosh, Windows |_ |O|~~~~~|O||_|..|\\_// \\_/|..| |..|
- | applications & | | |O| |O||_|..| \_/ \_/|..|__ |..|
- | digital media | | |O| |O| \.| |.|__ |..|
- |____________________| | |O|~~~~~|O| \| |____\___/\_|
- |____________________| (313) 668-0646 kenlars@eecs.umich.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 12 Oct 1994 15:30:44 -0400 (EDT)
- From: Dieder Bylsma <dbylsma@uoguelph.ca>
- Subject: FTP Server
- >I've got FTPd but it needs file sharing and file sharing needs appletalk
- >so my PPP connection won't work (talk about catch-22 eh!).
- try using Telnet 2.6...it'll do the job and best of all, when you quit
- telnet, its built-in ftp server quits as well!
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 14 Oct 1994 08:09:38 GMT
- From: bmilner@netcom.com (bmilner)
- Subject: HELP: speedisk crashed my mac? err. -39?
- Dear List,
- I have a tremendous problem that I need help with immediately.
- - I ran Norton Utilities Speed disk on my quadra 650 running 7.1 after
- deleting an old 50 MB file I no longer needed. I use my mac for audio
- often and hoped a de-fragmented drive would help. now...
- - Many of my files are damaged. Disinfectant says the
- RESOURCE FORKS are messed with.
- - opening these files or running applications that are
- damaged is impossible and/or produces errors -39 and -50.
- - I need to get at these files! Why did SPEED DISK do this
- to my data?
- - I tried to rebuild the desktop but to no avail.
- Please email me with help or where I might seek help. Thank you.
- Brandon Milner
- bmilner@netcom.com
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 13 Oct 1994 10:01:05 -0500
- From: pp000957@interramp.com (Stuart Fischbach)
- Subject: Help finding UNIX for Max?
- I've been looking for a free/shareware/PD version of Unix for the Mac ...
- could someone point me in the right direction? MacBSD seems to be
- incomplete; I had heard that Linux was being ported to the Mac ... any
- help would be appreciated; email me direct and I'll post a summary back
- here in a few days.
- Stuart Fischbach, d/b/a "S'Ware"
- E-Mail: pp000957@interramp.com or stufisch@aol.com
- WARNING: I have a law degree, but I'm not a lawyer.
- That should tell me something. All opinions are my
- own, except for those which are wrong. They belong
- to somebody else. I mistakenly repeated them. Sue me.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 12 Oct 1994 10:57:43 -0500
- From: Paul M Sheldon <psheldon@utdallas.edu>
- Subject: hp dw gx10 (Q)
- I haven't gotten this to print paper in sys 7.5.
- I try to print desktop or a folder contents, ie. with little app
- memory requirements.
- HP says 8 megs should work, but 12 megs recommended; I have 9 megs ram
- on my IIsi and observe with "about this mac" apple menu item that I don't
- run out of memory although gx is sucking megabytes.
- Remaining 7.5 disk space is 37 megs, over specs.
- I have trimmed from 7.5 extensions even.
- As HP recommended, I have increased the size of my finder by accessing
- >From another system 6 disk.
- I partition my drives with HDT Primer tm 1.2.1 PE which is probably
- ancient, but worked otherwise. Fabrizio Odone had something that let apple
- drivers recognize partitions, so I suspect that apple didn't take the
- initiative themselves to hard partition their hard disk access dispite the
- fattening of the increased gigabytes of disk addressing capability that
- was anticipated in 7.5.
- Sometimes I get freezing crashes I can only control command power out
- of.
- Sometimes I get this application has quit with an error 1, the bus
- error, in particular sometimes when I open the desktop printer. What
- application, certainly not the finder from ensuant behavior and the
- printer isn't an application, is it?
- Other times I get disk accessing but then nothing while the contents
- of the desktop printer shows normal on the file I want to print, not hold.
- Anybody else out there have experience with their own hp deskwriter
- giving failure or success?
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 12 Oct 1994 13:01:17 -0600
- From: brcummin@rs6000.cmp.ilstu.edu (Bill Cummins)
- Subject: Info-Mac Digest V12 #135
- In article <37gtvb$15k@nntp.Stanford.EDU>, Info-Mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
- wrote:
- > Date: Mon, 10 Oct 94 16:04:09 +0000
- > From: Mark Armitage <armitage@marksmac.demon.co.uk>
- > Subject: FTP Server
- >
- > Hi,
- >
- > I need to be able to FTP into my Mac any ideas?
- >
- > I've got FTPd but it needs file sharing and file sharing needs appletalk so
- my
- > PPP connection won't work (talk about catch-22 eh!).
- >
- With Telnet 2.6 running on the powerbook set up as an FTP server (under
- preferences), anyone who knows your IP number or name can ftp to you,
- including you yourself from a remote machine.
- I think that FETCH will also enable point to point transfers this will
- help you much in terms of others FTP'ing in, but not in terms of _you_
- ftp'ing to yourself.
- Is this clear enough?
- --
- Bill Cummins, 3490 Planning, Policy Studies and Information Systems
- Illinois State University, Normal, IL 61790-3490
- brcummin@rs6000.cmp.ilstu.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 12 Oct 1994 15:42:45 -0500 (CDT)
- Subject: Low-cost color printer
- I have a friend who wants to buy a low-cost color printer. What's the best
- deal for the least $$$ ? Please reply to me directly and I'll summarize to the
- net. Thanks.
- Steve Waechter
- Department of Family Medicine
- University of Tennessee, Memphis
- swaechter@utmem1.utmem.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 13 Oct 1994 12:26:26 -0500
- From: gibhenry@usa.net (Gib Henry)
- Subject: LW 8.2->PS Error, Offend. Cmd.: BoldItalic
- Egad! I installed LaserWriter driver v8.2 and haven't been able to print
- since! Here's the error which the printer spits out:
- <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
- ERROR: undefined
- /Garamon-
- /FontName
- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
- 8.1.1 worked fine. What's the problem? It cuts across applications,
- although this example is from Excel. I use Garamond as my default font.
- I followed directions in installing LW8.2, including trashing the old LW
- Preferences file, and went through the entire Chooser setup--several times.
- Is the font name "/Garamon-" instead of "/Garamond" causing the problem?
- Where is that coming from?! And how can I fix it? And who should I report
- it to if it's an Apple bug?
- Thanks for any available help/pointers. Cheers!
- --Gib Henry
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 13 Oct 94 17:33:44 -0400
- From: rhoades@ll.mit.edu (Captain Chaos)
- Subject: Modems with voice capability
- I'm shopping for a 14400 data/fax modem for my IIvx (7100 some day?), and I
- would like one with voice handling features (answering machine stuff).
- I've been surprised to find few vendors offering this feature, with Zoom
- being the only major one I've seen. If this is true, why? I'm nervous
- about buying a generic modem with inferior bundled software just to get
- this feature, but I don't want the likes of Compaq Presario users thumbing
- their noses at me and I could use an answering machine (plus it's just a
- neat idea).
- Also, most Global Village modems seem grossly overpriced to me, yet they
- consistently appear on best-seller lists and get high ratings. Is the
- feature set, build quality, support, and/or performance worth the price, or
- is the company doing well for some other reason?
- Any input is appreciated.
- Andrew Rhoades
- rhoades@ll.mit.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 13 Oct 1994 00:24:31 -0500
- From: gch2@cornell.edu (Geoffrey C. Hoffman)
- Subject: OJ
- I guess even here, we are not immune to the OJ Simpson ordeal :)
- >Subject: [*] OJ snds
- >
- >O.J. Simpson and Nicole Brown-Simpson voices from the 911 tapes.
- >
- >[Archived as /info-mac/snd/oj.hqx; 421K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 13 Oct 1994 04:27:57 -0400
- From: groo@netcom.com (Kiran Wagle)
- Subject: RAM Doubler virtual memory broken?
- I'm now completely convinced the problems I've been having with RAM Doubler
- 1.5.1 are due to its disk-based memory being completely screwed up. I
- became suspicious when adding another 4M of real RAM (to an existing 4M)
- reduced the crashes from hourly to daily. I became particularly suspicious
- when MacsBug reported that the procedures which caused the crashes belonged
- to programs that were no longer running.
- Today, the little indicator pixel suddenly came on while I was using Ircle.
- It spun my disk for a while, then dropped into Macsbug.
- Is there any way to patch RD to turn the disk-based memory "feature" off?
- I've had NO problems at all with the rest of RAM Doubler's memory
- management....
- ~ Kiran
- --
- 1628 5th St NW Washington DC 20001 (202) 483-3373/3157 <groo@netcom.com>
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 13 Oct 1994 19:15:25 -0500
- From: miles@mail.utexas.edu (Miles Abernathy)
- Subject: Scheduling Software?
- I am looking for some Mac software, or perhaps an add-on to Excel, that can
- draw schedules like this. The person enters the start and ending dates, and
- the software puts bars of the proper lengths in the appropriate cells:
- Flight to Mars -- Schedule
- Begin | End | Activity | 93 94 95 96
- 3-15-93 | 2-28-94 | Training | xxxx|xx | | |
- 7- 1-94 | 7- 2-94 | Launch | | x | | |
- 7- 2-94 | 3-27-96 | Flight | | xx|xxxxxx|xx |
- 3-28-96 | 3-28-96 | Landing | | | | x |
- Can anyone suggest such a package? I need it for a one-time use. Thank you.
- Miles Abernathy, miles@mail.utexas.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 12 Oct 1994 09:19:09 -0700
- From: bcarter@claven.idbsu.edu (Bruce Carter)
- Subject: SoftWindows really REALLY slow with Harvard Graphics
- One of our faculty members wants to run Harvard Graphics under SoftWindows
- on a 7100 in one of our electronic classrooms. We loaded up HG and tried
- to run it, and although it runs it takes an average of 3 minutes to
- transition from slide to slide (these are fairly complex graphic slides).
- This is, of course, unacceptable performance.
- What are we doing wrong? What is the optimum configuration for
- SoftWindows performance? The 7100 has 24M of RAM, so we can devote a
- pretty good chunk to SoftWindows. What is the best division between
- expanded, extended, and DeltaCache. We also just bought a cache card for
- it. Performance so far on graphic oriented applications has been, to say
- the least, disappointing
- --
- Bruce Carter, CBI Product Development bcarter@claven.idbsu.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 13 Oct 94 15:18:46 +0100 (CET)
- From: Christian Karpp <chk@cider.rhein-neckar.de>
- Subject: strange hard disk problem
- hello,
- this is the 2nd time now it happened to me:
- normally I check all my disks frequently with norton's disk doctor (v2.0). if
- some errors occur, they'll get fixed right away. I never had serious problems.
- now, about 2 weeks ago, I found disk first aid 7.2 on some cd-rom and tried it
- just out of curiosity. suddenly it reported a "catalog file entry not found for
- extent, 3,1" on my previously cheked (with ndd and no errors!) boot disk. I
- chose to fix it, dfa claimed a succesful fix. running ndd after that again, it
- reported "a part of the disk's extents tree (node #1) was found to contain some
- invalid information (incorrect FABN). NDD cannot fix this problem." I get this
- msg from now on and just yesterday it happened on my syquest. same problem,
- just at 3,8 (node #8).
- now, what does this error mean? do I have to worry now, that ndd identifies
- this as a problem which it can't fix?!? is there a way to "repair" the extents
- tree so that ndd show's "no prblems" with it?
- thanx for _any_ hints,
- Xn.
- --
- -- "When in doubt, use brute force" - Ken Thompson (Yes, that one).
- --
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 14 Oct 1994 06:34:04 -0400
- From: brianf@infi.net (Brian Fountain)
- Subject: StyleWriter II/Canon replacement cartridge
- >BTW, I did't get a definitive answer on the Canon replacement cartridge
- >for the StyleWiter II. Someone did mention that the BC02 cartridge might
- >be a better replacement than the BC01 so I'm going to check into
- >that.
- >Rick Tapp tappr@cuug.ab.ca
- Rick,
- I just installed the BC-01 cartridge into my StyleWriter II today. The
- first thing I did was run the printer test. The test print was perfect,
- not like what I got from the test print using the StyleWriter I cartridge.
- I've printed several pages of text and all are good copies. So far so
- good. If I run into troubles, I'll let you know.
- Brian
- Brian Fountain =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Norfolk, VA.
- InterNet -=- brianf@infi.net =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= FidoNet -=- 1:275/126.1
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 12 Oct 94 11:59:44 CDT
- From: Gschaffe@mic01.redstone.army.mil
- Subject: Syquest problem, Info-mac #135 (A)
- Read you message on Info-Mac about your Syquest 105 problem. Very
- familiar; a friend of mine had the problem and we drove ourselves
- crazy trying to get things working.
- It turned out all OK, eventually. There were actually three problems
- working at the same time, none of them INITs!
- 1. The drive was flaky. It started having probems with one disk, then
- others, finally all. ClubMac replaced it under warranty.
- 2. One of the disks actually was bad.
- 3. The new formatter (SCSI Director, bundled by ClubMac) needed an
- upgrade/fix. Done.
- Once all of the above was accomplished, he has had no difficulties.
- But, lesson learned ... BACK UP YOUR DATA. It's much easier to
- back up data from a flaky disk than it is to recover from a dead
- disk.
- I'm also convinced that he continued to operate the drive after he
- began to experience directory or boot block corruption symptoms.
- That's the time to get whatever you can transferred to some other
- media, immediately. Then investigate or reformat.
- Good luck
- Glenn Schaffer
- ------------------------------
- End of Info-Mac Digest
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